Shayne Vording

Shayne completed his B.Sc. in Athletic Therapy at Concordia University in 2019. During his time in the program, he completed internships with the Vanier Cheetahs, Concordia Stingers and Montreal Canadiens. This allowed him the opportunity to work clinically and on-field with high-level athletes in hockey, basketball, football, and competitive cheerleading. The added challenge of returning an individual to their favourite sports and activities is what he enjoys the most in his practice. In 2021, he completed his Master’s degree in Physical Therapy at McGill University. Having participated in sports all his life, he brings a unique ability to understand the specific movement required to compete in certain sports. He is most experienced in Mixed Martial Arts, Basketball and Swimming. He currently competes in Track & Field, with a focus on sprinting. Shayne is passionate about empowering his patients to take control of their conditions. Always seeking to improve his skills as a therapist, he strives to “Become better today, to get others better tomorrow”.

