Maxime Charron

Athletic Therapist | Physiotherapist
A long time member of the Catalyst Santé team, Maxime (M.Cl.Sc 2018, M.Sc.PT 2011, B.Sc.PT 2009), is also the medical coordinator for Rugby Quebec and the Head Therapist of Rugby Quebec Men Senior and Men U19 teams. Maxime is a firm believer of evidence-based practice, and makes post-graduate studying a priority. She is regularly asked to speak on the subject of sport-related concussions at colleges, school boards, as well as to various athlete, parent and coach associations in Quebec. She has graduated with a Master of Clinical Science in Manipulative Therapy (Western University, 2018) and achieved her Fellowship with the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy (FCAMPT). She also completed the full Sport Physiotherapy Canada (SPC) curriculum in 2017 and is a certified dry needling practitioner. Other courses she has taken include the advanced Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA), Reconditioning Level I (High Performance course), Know Pain (Mike Stewart) and Reconciling Biomechanics with Pain Science (Greg Lehman). Perhaps one of the reasons Maxime is so knowledgeable about the needs of athletes is because she herself is a nationally ranked olympic weight lifter! Not to mention her past on the McGill varsity swimming team. However, above all, what we keep hearing is what a pleasure it is to be treated by Maxime. Her kind, caring demeanour and resounding laugh make her treatment sessions something to look forward to.


Dip. Sport Physio Canada
Dry Needling
